Company Profile



                      CHINMETAL Information  Tec Co., Ltd.


  CHINMETAL Information  Tec Co., Ltd. is also known as China Ferroalloy Network. It mainly provides industry information, trade consultation, trade matching, industry meetings, technical training, market research reports and enterprises for enterprises engaged in ferroalloys, non-ferrous metals, iron and steel industry at home and abroad, trade enterprises, consumer enterprises, scientific research institutions, etc. Industry development planning, enterprise vocational training and other services, and provide online and offline enterprises in the field of real-time, accurate, authoritative, high-quality information services.

Full and detailed

Over the past decade, China ferroalloy network relies on timely industry information, unique market analysis, timely and accurate market quotation, the latest and most complete policy interpretation, sincere service to customers, and seek win-win situation in the industry. The product database established by the website has complete classification, various products and perfect parameters. Information quality is the constant pursuit of Chinese ferroalloy network. At the same time, it comprehensively improves the procurement experience, attracts more buyers and suppliers, and publishes product quotations and business information through the website.

Seven Advantages of New Layout of China Ferroalloy Mesh

Powerful search function, accurate information price, fast business transaction, comprehensive information service, prompt business opportunity information, wise forecasting analysis, excellent marketing display.

Seven Advantages of New Layout of China Ferroalloy Mesh

China Ferroalloy Network tailor-made multi-carrier offline services in Chinese and English for its members, including "Ferroalloy Market Guide" monthly magazine, information express, daily hotspots, annual industry reports, mobile MMS, SMS, etc., to meet the needs of different users in the information age, allowing customers to click in the curtain and master in thousands. Inside and outside. (Picture: Magazine Cover, Information Express, etc.)

Leading E-commerce

In the era of diversification and multi-angle collision in ferroalloy industry, China Gold Netcom operates e-commerce platform with advanced B2B+B2C+C2C mode. The information of supply and demand is clear at a glance. It is convenient and quick to place orders and provide thoughtful e-commerce services to customers. Shop transactions are fast and convenient, and bidding is efficient and transparent. Group buying has also entered into ferroalloy enterprises. In the information age, the excellent e-commerce platform of China Gold Netcom looks forward to the wonderful life of our customers. (Map: E-commerce)

Authoritative parliamentary exhibitions

Since 2003, China Gold Netcom has successfully held nearly 100 large-scale conferences, including 10 large-scale international conferences, dozens of small and medium-sized industry conferences such as silicon, manganese, chromium, nickel and core-wrapped wires. With its high level, large-scale and authority, the conference has become the most well-known and influential brand conference in the industry. Conservative estimates show that the total number of participants in the past 10 years is tens of thousands. In the future, the company will continue to serve customers, create a conference service brand, and provide more enterprises with access to information, enterprise publicity, trade exchanges platform!

App Client of Mobile Phone, the Golden Key of Wealth in the Information Age

Know the market situation, turn time into opportunity, turn opportunity into strength.

In line with the trend of the times, China Ferroalloy Network has developed APP application software for Mac OS system of Apple mobile phone and other Android system of mobile phone in time. When IPHONE meets China Ferroalloy Network APP, it will be launched as soon as it touches! Log on to China Ferroalloy Network to download and enjoy the huge amount of information!

Future Development (Business Vision)

In the past ten years, China Gold Netcom has developed into a third-party cross-media platform operator providing information services and continuous comprehensive value-added services for ferroalloy industry.

In the real E era, China Gold Netcom actively seeks deeper innovation and development with a brand-new attitude. In the next two years, the company will concentrate on expanding business models such as B2C, C2C and P2C, expanding the scope of commodity hunting, relying on strong independent innovation ability, seizing market opportunities and making breakthroughs. On the way of ferroalloy commodity e-commerce, we will take a further step to achieve the industry leading by a long way.


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